Tuesday, June 26, 2007

July 22 Meeting Agenda

JULY 22 Agenda
Open Sharing
Accountability check-in
Assignment review

New assignment:
In 1500 words or less, use the following elements in an essay (fiction, non-fiction or poetry): Cruise ship in the setting, Freedom as a theme and incorporate the phrase "Dance like no one is watching." I liked how we did it before, if that's okay. Post it on the blog by midnight, Saturday, July 21. In the labels, include your name, "assignment" and any other labels you want to add.

Advent Devotional
We discussed writing a daily advent devotional, possibly to be distributed through the Women's Ministry.
*Discuss and plan the advent devotional schedule.
*Make assignments.
*Brainstormed ideas (so far): Jewish background, stress, traditions, difficulties, aspects of the nativity
*Action: Sarah talk to Jenifer about devotional (printing, distribution)


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